surf fishing at night

Surf fishing at night is a great way to up your game and catch more fish. It is often much more productive than fishing in the same areas during the day, and much predatory fish found in the surf feed and are most active during the nighttime hours.

In this article, we will discuss 5 reasons why surf fishing at night is very productive, and why you should try it more often so you can benefit from its rewards.

1. More fish come closer to shore to feed at night

The main reason why fishing the surf is more rewarding is that at night, more fish will travel and come in closer to the shore to feed.

Since the fish are hungry and feeding, this makes them much easier to catch than during the day.

This will also concentrate the fish more and in higher numbers, thus upping your chances of hooking into one.

There are some fish that live almost exclusively in very deep water, and the only opportunity you may have of ever catching them will be at night when they make the mistake of venturing a little too close to the shore. 

2. No sunburns or heat

Surf fishing can get extremely hot during the day, making it hard to stay motivated to keep casting the line. In addition to heat, the sun can leave you with nasty sunburns if you are not careful.

Both of these problems can easily be avoided by fishing under the cover of darkness.

When fishing at night, you will not have to waste time applying and reapplying sunscreen all day, and you will not be as tired from the sun beating down on you.

Even though we love to fish the surf, it can be pretty hard to stay motivated when trying to get a fish on the hook on a hot day.

Therefore, if you want to cast and fish in some nice weather, fishing at night could be the answer. 

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3. Higher numbers of fish within casting distance

Because fish head into the shallows to feed at night, there will be much higher numbers of catchable fish during darkness.

These fish will be within striking distance from your casts instead of being too far out in the deeper water.

The fish will not only be easier to catch because they are in higher numbers and withing a closer distance to shore but thanks to the lower visibility, they will also be easier to trick.

Your line and bait are harder to see in the dark, so fish will have a more difficult time telling the difference between your bait and other sources of food. All of these factors contribute to catching more fish. 

4. Less disturbance from surfers and swimmers

This one is a big benefit to a lot of anglers, because many people get into fishing to escape the stress and relax, hopefully enjoying nature with some peace and quiet.

While that isn’t always the case, there are significantly fewer people to interfere with your fishing when you fish at night, as most of the surfers and swimmers that would get into your way and cause problems have gone home for the day.

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    Who wouldn’t want to enjoy a quieter beach where you can focus entirely on fishing and not worry about other people?

    Random swimmers and surfers can easily spook the fish you are targeting, making them much harder to catch. Without them there, that is one less thing that you will have to worry about. 

    5. Less competition from other fishermen

    Similar to the last benefit, there are also usually fewer fishermen at night as well.

    Less competition means more fish for you, and you will not have to share as much shoreline as you would if you were fishing in a crowd of other anglers.

    Crowded surf fishing area

    While you should always be kind and courteous to other anglers, sometimes it is nice having a place to yourself and not dealing with other people.

    You will still probably see and fish with other anglers in places, but at least it will not be so crowded that you are constantly crossing lines.

    Plus, the other anglers out at night might be just as dedicated as you are and you might even make some new friends.

    Tips for surf fishing at night

    It is a good idea to scout the beach during the day to find good spots to fish from. It is also very important to keep an eye on the tides and think about the tidal changes in relation to when you will be fishing. As well as the tides, keep an eye on the weather forecasts as well. Strong winds and choppy water can prevent you from catching fish.

    Also, be sure to come prepared the best you can.

    One of the most important pieces of gear you will need to fish at night is a good headlamp or flashlight.

    A headlamp is much more preferable as it will allow you to fish while keeping your hands free.

    If insects and bugs are in your area, it would also be a great idea to bring along some bug spray.

    Last but not least, come ready with all of your fishing gear ready to go and organized. You won’t want to forget or misplace any gear you might need to land a fish. 

    Last Word

    As you can see, there are plenty of tips and benefits of surf fishing at night, which makes It a great way to gain a better edge when it comes to beach fishing.

    Whether your goal is to catch more fish or to catch bigger fish (or maybe both), you might want to give night fishing a try the next time you get the opportunity.

    You will not only avoid many of the different pitfalls that come with fishing during the day, but you will also enjoy a few extra benefits that come along with night fishing.

    Therefore, find your nearest beach, grab a headlamp or a flashlight, and get to fishing!

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